The Company

About Us · The Company

Established in 1970, Wilsons Contractors Ltd is a family run Agricultural Contracting and Hire business based in Lancashire

With over 40 years’ experience in both farm contracting and agricultural equipment hire, we can offer the latest equipment and technology, this means you get the job done efficiently and to the highest standard.

History of Wilsons

It was Harry's childhood dream to become an agricultural contractor, and his vision lead to the creation of Wilsons Contractors.

With the help of wind, rain and a little sunshine, from little acorns grow magnificent oak trees. With this in mind rewind time back to the year 1954. A little boy is playing farming during the long, hot summer holidays from school. He’s watching the mower in the next field that's fixed onto the back of his Daddy’s grey Fergie tractor (it was his Daddy's pride and joy!), and he feels both excited and fascinated by the smell of the fresh cut grass, which was to be made into hay over the next eight days.This would feed the cows that his Daddy milked over the winter months.

As the tractor busied itself mowing up and down the field, a dream was buzzing around in the little boy's head: “When I grow up I’m going to drive a tractor!!”

Harry Wilson, Wilsons Contractors, age 6

On about the seventh day this grass smelt even sweeter as it turned into hay. It was neatly put into rows with another machine (an acrobat hay rake), and after this a man came from a nearby farm with yet another machine, this time a baler behind a blue Fordson tractor! It started gobbling up the hay, which came out of the back in square blocks. Needless to say the boy was captivated, and so another dream was forming in his head and heart: “When I really grow up I want to be a farm contractor!!” - with that settled, it was time to get back to playing farming (at least for the time being).

The little boy grows up and in 1963 his dreams start to turn into reality as he was allowed to drive the family’s Fordson Major tractor, helping out with work on the farm. He spent many a happy hour ploughing, harrowing, seeding and of course mowing. Then in 1965 his Dad bought him his very own tractor: a Fordson Super Dexta; cabless in blue and grey - he remembers it well. To go behind it, also in blue, was a Jones Super Star baler - he was set, and a farm contractor was born, his dream was realised!!

Fast forward to 2010: a loving wife, a thriving business, four marvellous kids and the proud winner of the Farmer's Weekly Contractor of the Year award. The little boy has everything he ever dreamed of and so much more - from that tiny acorn a magnificent oak tree had grown, and he couldn’t be more thankful and grateful to everyone who helped him and supported him along the way.

Harry Wilson in the workshop

Contractor of the year award

It was the pinnacle moment for everyone at Wilsons Contractors when we won this prestigious award in 2010!


Service is the linchpin to both our contracting and hire operations.

We pride ourselves in having a stock of spare parts that in most circumstances machines can be repaired without waiting for parts to be shipped from overseas. “Even a next day parts delivery service is too late sometimes!!” Our workshops are also equipped with CNC lathes and milling equipment to ensure that the most cost effective repair or service is achieved at all times. If you are unfortunate to have a major failure in season, we can offer a hire machine while our technicians’ repair your forager. We also offer a winter service plan for your forager.

We pride ourselves on the service and upkeep of our machinery and parts.
Machinery for sale